Diving into the kelp forest in search of climate answers

By Haakon Hop, marine biologist, Norwegian Polar Institute…

Deep insights into the Arctic of tomorrow

Hundreds of international researchers are currently analyzing…

BLOG: Cracks in the cooking pot lid

By Øyvind Lundesgaard (Norwegian Polar Institute), Melissa…

Into the deep unknown central Arctic Basin

By cruise leaders JC2-2: Agneta Fransson (NPI) og Bodil Bluhm…

Aliens in the Arctic 

In a recent study a team of researchers have mapped invasive…

Tiny Arctic wildlife matters

Blog 4 from the Nansen Legacy cruise in the Arctic Ocean. Today…

Excitement onboard the RV Kronprins Haakon

By scientist Nadjejda Espinel / Norwegian Polar Institute    After…

Interdisciplinary research in the Arctic

By Sebastian Gerland and Anette Wold, cruise leaders, Norwegian…

When scientists head into the polar bear’s realm

Polar bears are not stressed by a vessel lying at rest. They…

The safest transport to/from Troll

  We contemplated using Kronprins Haakon for the…

Student heads to the North Pole to study the South Pole

In Tromsø, the thermometer reads 21.9 degrees Celsius this…

Two months in the drift ice

The beginning of their journey was no easy task, in these…

Work ongoing on the largest Arctic expedition or Life in the dark and cold or What’s going on at the North Pole?

MOSAiC  is based on the German research icebreaker Polarstern,…

The hunt for climate answers in Fram Strait

At this time of the year, the sea ice in the Arctic Ocean is…